Can Your Personal Injury Lawyer in South Florida Use the Defendant’s DUI Conviction in Court?

If you’ve been injured in a drunk driving accident, you’re going to be furious. After you manage to recover from your injuries, you’re going to want someone to pay. In this day and age, with companies like Uber and Lyft, there’s no excuse for drunk driving. When someone decides to put their life and the lives of innocent motorists at risk, they need to understand the consequences of their actions. One way to do this is to make sure they’re held responsible for your injuries by contacting a personal injury lawyer in South Florida right after the accident.

Most drunk driving accident victims suffer very serious injuries. You won’t be in any position to fight with insurance companies and lawyers. This is why you need to call and talk to an experienced personal injury lawyer in South Florida. They can deal with the defendant’s insurance company so you can focus on getting better.

Your South Florida Personal Injury Attorney Needs to Prove the Other Driver Was at Fault

In order to get you any money, your lawyer needs to prove that the other driver was at fault. The way they do this is by proving that they were negligent. In order to do this, they must show the following four (4) things:

  • The defendant owed you a duty of care – This is easy. All motorists have a duty to obey all traffic laws. Staying sober while behind the wheel is one of these laws.
  • They breached this duty – By deciding to drive drunk, the defendant breached their duty of care. The law prohibits drunk driving and they decided to break the law.
  • You were injured – As long as you got medical treatment right away, you can show you were indeed hurt.
  • The accident is what caused your injuries – This is where your attorney comes into play. They need to prove the defendant’s driving drunk is what caused the crash.

One way your South Florida injury lawyer can prove the other driver is liable is by submitting proof that they were convicted of DUI. At the scene of the accident, the police will check to see if either of the drivers are under the influence of drugs or alcohol. If they suspect impairment, they’ll arrest the driver and charge them with DUI. By submitting proof of a DUI conviction for the defendant, it shows the court that they did breach their duty of care. Contact our office if a drunk driver has caused your car accident. We can help.


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